Below are the common questions, customers ask regarding, pile integrity test, crosshole test, inclination test, parallel seismic test, and in regard to the operation of the Piletest products, PET, CHUM, BIT, PSI.
Use the below buttons to get the relevant Q&A for you.
Question #7 |
Is the graph (reflectogram) created by PET pile integrity test is correct?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How accurate is the PET?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Is the CHUM equipment required to re-calibrate or adjust before testing on the GGBS concrete bored pile due to different types of concrete?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Do GPC sensors (Comboducers) consistently record precisely at the same time? Or is there any lack of time because of the WiFi transmition between the sensors so we need to do adjustment?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How does GPC manage the hammer setting for different kinds of hammers?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How can I graph a pulse-echo (reflectogram) file in Matlab?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
What are the output files from your GPC system? Is it a proprietary locked format or something more open?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
About the duration of the wave PET test.
The ASTM D5882-16 Standard requires - “Adjust the apparatus to reproduce a signal having a duration greater than 2L/c plus five milliseconds, where L is the pile length, and c is the material wave speed.”
We have a client who is asking about the duration of the tests we executed (in milliseconds). Where can we see this in the software?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Can I access the trigger options (level, pre-trigger) in the Android version of the PET software?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Why is the relative energy line on CHUM much more "bumpy" when compared to the FAT line?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Can GPC+N_GAPA and PDA+CAPWAP be intermixed ?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
The PET is not recording all shots, only a few, so for a test of 50 strikes, I´m making about a 100
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
When should I switch to manual FAT picking with CHUM (CSL)?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
I cannot perform 3DT calculations. The software reports a missing component
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
The PET markers. What are the differences?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How to test a pile with an unknown length
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
We used 3DT software and determined the percentage of effective area during the analysis. Exemple: the effective area is 84% that means the defective zone is 16% of the total area right?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How accurate is the system in measuring pile length? What's the margin of error? What would be the upper and lower pile length limit where we would get fairly accurate results?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How to prepare the drill & pipe for PSI parallel seismic test
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Is the Android PET App software same as the Windows PET software?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
What are the limitations of pile temperature profiling also known as TIP?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Why is there no need for an instrumented hammer
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How to test a H pile?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How BIT can measure inclination for driven pile or CFA pile? same for sheet pile. Please explain how?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How inclination is measured for driven pile or CFA pile?
and same for the sheet pile. Please explain how.
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
There may be a chance that the inclination of the access tube will be more than the inclination of the pile based on the placement of the access tube. How can we make sure that both are the same?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
What considerations do we need to take for the installation of the BIT Inclinometer?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How to assess the quality of a pile with the PET reflectogram output?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
The peak, where the reflectogram is falling, is considered the pile tow. Is it possible that the tow is before that, at where the drop is starting?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How does the CHUM calculate the local average FAT? Over what length of pile does it calculate the average?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
What is the difference between D5882 and D6760 ASTM standards?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Recommended Android tablet for PET BT and BIT
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Why is my CHUM 3D Tomography is not working?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
What is the most slender pile I can test with PET?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Why our PET signal graph does not has unit for the Y axis?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Does PET Software draw Pile impedance Profile (shape of pile)?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Is there any recommendation or guideline for using "Filter" during the test?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
In CHUM 3D Tomography, how come I see low velocity zones outside the cage, even when I use just straight-ray calculations (Draft)?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Can I test piles that are under a pile cap by sonic method?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How do I do classification of test pile condition at Satisfactory, Anomaly, Flaw, and Defect
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Why is the apparent velocity higher than what I expected?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Why doesn't PET software calculate the "Beta value" for a pile?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Which Windows version does PET support? What about 64 bits?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Where can I find a spare waterproof cable for the USB PET?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Where can I get more putty for the PET?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Where can I find spare hammer heads and hammers for the PET?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How can I test a pile that already has a pile cap on?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
What are the advantages and disadvantages of CSL compared to the radioactive test method?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Can the PET results serve to find the length of the pile and its profile (bulging, necking?)
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Can the PET be used to determine the concrete strength?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
In our Equipment, for the PRESENTATION of results, we are allowed to choose from FAT, Attenuation, Relative Energy & Apparent Velocity. BUT, when we choose the Apparent Velocity option, We are able to see a green legend for Apparent Velocity in the bottom of the graph & also the velocity written in m/s., BUT there is no representation of it in the graph.
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Which is the easiest method of evaluating a pile, like FAT vs. Attenuation or FAT vs. Energy. Explain.
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How can we estimate the distorted area of the pile, from FAT & Attenuation?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
In general the traces are quite smooth (about a vertical line), but every now and then the line is very jagged, although still about a vertical line. Does this sound like a problem?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How can I measure CHUM sensor frequency?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
A number of the traces show a very large drop in the relative energy, but little or no change in the FAT. I understand that it is generally taken that the FAT gives the biggest indication of inclusions or defects, however, I note on your web site that a low relative energy means a "weak" signal. When would I expect to get a weak signal, and could it represent an anomaly even if the FAT`s are consistent?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
What is the criteria for FAT & Attenuation to judge pile integrity i.e. during our testing, some FAT will be 184µs and for other pile it will go to 260µs. Also how FAT is related to concrete quality & what is the range of values of FAT &Attenuation for good & bad piles. Please advise with examples.
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Our CHUM is not showing the exact spacing between the sonic tubes. (for eg. When we measure 0.64m in the site the CHUM is showing 0.88m).we have tried this out in some 10 piles and still the error is existing.
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Does pulling velocity has any effect on the test result?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
We could see that in some cases, the Attenuation curve is touching the FAT curve and in some cases the Attenuation curves come first and then the FAT curve and Vice versa also. Has this got any implications?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
It was observed that during the testing, we are losing 20 to 30cm of pile length, could you please explain.
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Can we test reinforced piles? Does the reinforcement effect the test result?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
How does the kind of concrete influence the test result?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
Can we test integrity of reinforcement in piles and it length?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
What are the maximal length and diameter of testing piles?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
What operation systems can I install the software on?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with

Question #7 |
What type of computer can we use with your equipment?
For testing on site, the ideal computer is a tablet PC pen computer (which we do not supply as part of the package).
We have excellent experience with those computers, and it is highly recommended.
You can use a regular notebook computer on site, but this is less convenient: entering data with