Our Story
40 years ago Dr. Joram Amir, the founder of Piletest, began using NDT
(Non Destructive Testing) to perform quality assurance for deep foundations.
Back then, in the late 1970s, there were no pile testing specific devices and he used equipment which was cumbersome and required two people connected by a 100m long data cable.
These field experiences, quickly led him to harness state-of-the-art technologies and develop a compact, lightweight and outdoor capable pile testing solutions - the PET (Pile Echo Tester).

Together with his son Erez Amir (a software engineer) and a team of electronics engineers, he incorporated
Piletest.com Ltd. 20 years ago. Piletest.com is the most innovative player in the pile testing industry, as can be
seen by the following achievements:
• 1st PC-based pile echo tester
• 1st pile echo tester with a digital sensor
• 1st PC-based ultrasonic crosshole tester
• 1st pile echo tester with wireless sensor
• 1st pile echo tester with Android data logger and real-time communication
• 1st miniature light-weight Borehole Inclination Tester Piletest
Piletest focuses strictly on the development of pile testing systems and does not offer testing services. Piletest is a family-owned company that manages things in an informal, straightforward way, keeping transparency and accountability above all.
Piletest is built with a long-term vision that places winning customer loyalty at top priority. For that purpose, we are fast on delivery, prompt on service, invest a long time in development to make things a little simpler to use and build our products to last with a 3-year warranty as standard.
We can offer that because our products withstand extreme heat, vibrations, and water resistance tests before being shipped to customers.
At Piletest, all products come with 10 years of free software upgrades.
Piletest systems are the easiest, most productive, and fastest to operate in the field, as reflected in our customer testimonials. The ease of use knowhow is based on our years of fieldwork before we started designing our own equipment and on the continuous integration of customer feedback.
Our Legacy
Being part of the deep foundation pile testing industry for so many years, Piletest headed by Dr. Joram Amir is involved in the creation of the industry standards, including ASTM D6760-16 (for crosshole ultrasonic monitoring
- CHUM), D5882-16 (for pile echo testing - PET) This is possible based on 50 years of field experience, continuous research of new pile testing techniques, and the development of technology based products which implement these new pile testing techniques. We share this experience directly with our customers, by our SOS (Second Opinion Service) complimentary offer. We do it as part of our general activity through the years, to spread the adoption of pile testing around the world, as standard procedure when building a deep foundation based infrastructures. We have been doing it for more than 20 years, in 100 countries around the globe.